retail sales

Consumer Electronics

Consumer Electronics

E-retail sales in the United States will grow at a compound annual growth rate of approximately 14% over the next four years, topping out at $434.2 billion in 2017, according to a new projection from eMarketer Inc. The research firm expects 2013 e-commerce sales, excluding travel and ticketing, will reach $258.9 billion, up nearly 15.0% … Continued



A $1.2 trillion global payday for e-commerce. Global online retail and travel spending will pass that mark this year, says eMarketer. Online retailers and travel companies will sell consumers $1.22 trillion in goods and services this year, a 17.1% increase over 2012, eMarketer says in a report released today. Driving the growth this year?and likely … Continued



Online sales of auto parts were projected to hit $3.5 billion in 2012 according to the folks at Hedges & Company. More importantly the figures indicate that online parts business is more than just eBay, although you would be hard pressed to find anyone who says that. One person who has done the research is … Continued